bulldog dermatitis
You think you’re in a lost cause with dermatitis in English bulldogs? Well, with this guide, you’ll be able to help your pup, depending on the severity of the case. What is Dermatitis in English bulldogs? Dermatitis...
english bulldog head tremors (2)
If you’re a Bulldog owner you may have noticed your furry friend does some weird head movements from time to time. These are English Bulldog head tremors and while they can be scary they’re quite manageable....
spaying an english bulldog
Spaying an English Bulldog is a significant decision for any pet owner. This procedure involves the removal of the female dog’s reproductive organs to prevent pregnancy. It’s a common practice...
english bulldog food
When it comes to our beloved English Bulldogs, ensuring they have a proper diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being. English Bulldogs are known for their unique build and charming personalities,...
english bulldog clothes
When it comes to finding the perfect wardrobe for your English Bulldog, affordability and quality are key. English Bulldogs, with their unique body shape and sensitive skin, benefit greatly from specially...
shirts for bulldogs
Sunny days are just around the corner. So, what does it mean for us and our dogs? It means spending more time outside and enjoying summer adventures. However, if you’re an owner of an English bulldog,...
can english bulldogs fly on plane
Traveling opens up new horizons, not just for us, but also for our pets. However, when it comes to bringing our dogs along for the ride, especially by air, the excitement can quickly turn into a pool of...
english bulldog skin issues (4)
Dealing with English bulldog skin issues might sound challenging. Their skin can look scary at first and you can think there’s no cure for such a condition. However, every condition can be successfully...
english bulldog overheating
We all know English Bulldogs are the best – with their adorable faces and loving nature. But when it comes to handling heat, well, they’re not exactly the champions.This topic will be hotter...
can english bulldogs give birth naturally?
Did you ever think of the magnificent, yet sweetly squishy English Bulldog and their one-of-a-kind birthing process? Well, you’re not alone! Can English bulldogs give birth naturally is a common...
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